Detox Bath Soak

Regular price $10.00

A Purifying Sore Muscle Bath Soak


A lovely blend of coarse and fine black sea salts, to both quickly absorb and beautify your bath tub. Black Hawaiian sea salts have been infused with activated charcoal from coconut shells, to help draw impurities out of the skin and pores while helping to increase circulation. The epsom salts will relax and soothe sore muscles, while your body revels in the minerality of the Dead Sea salts. This unique blend of active salts comes with a soothing, clean, and light rosemary-mint scent, and is specifically formulated to wash nicely down the tub and not leave you a black ring from the charcoal to clean up. 


If you are looking to draw oils from your skin and gentle rejuvenate mind and body, this bath soak is for you. Combining unique, high quality ingredients found only in a few places around the world, you'll love how refreshed, relaxed, and pampered you'll feel at the end of your soak. Let the natural minerals in these unique sea salts work their magic on your muscles and joints today. 



A handmade bath soak containing Magnesium Sulfate USP (Epsom Salts), Maris Sal (Hawaiian, Dead Sea), Sodum Chloride, Fragrance, Polysorbate 80, Activated Charcoal.